a project of Stefan Reich
Further pages: Bubblesort
MVM is a virtual machine specification designed to be as simple as possible to implement. Porting MVM to a new platform should require almost no effort. Still, generating code for MVM should not be unduly complicated. MVM code may be interpreted or JIT-compiled.
MVM is based on a virtual processor with only a single instruction (OISC). The instruction I chose is subleq (subtract and branch if less or equal). Usually the instruction has only one addressing mode (mem/mem); for practical purposes, I added a second addressing mode (const/mem).
The MVM processor has no registers or flags.
MVM's memory model is an array of signed 32 bit integers, starting at offset 0. Memory size may vary. Memory expansion semantics have not been defined yet.
The MVM's single instruction has this format:
subleq a b c
This subtracts the contents of memory location b from the contents of memory location a and stores the result in location a. If the result is zero or negative, the processor branches to target c.
b may be substituted by a constant (this is the alternative addressing mode). In this case we write:
subleq a #b c
If no branch is desired, one may write:
sub a b sub a #bOr alternatively:
a -= b a -= #b
On the byte level, this is encoded as subleq a b c where c equals the location of the next instruction (pc+3) and thus suppresses branching.
This is a fully functional MVM interpreter core loop:
while (pc >= 0) { a = memory[pc++]; b = memory[pc++]; c = memory[pc++]; if (a >= 0) memory[a] -= memory[b]; /* mode 1 */ else memory[a = ~a] -= b; /* mode 2 */ if (memory[a] <= 0) pc = c; }Add some I/O and voila.
A special memory location called Z is reserved for containing the value 0 (typically, the location of Z is also 0). Temporarily, Z may contain a different value. It is assumed that any code block that touches Z resets it to 0 afterwards.
Let's look at how some standard CPU instructions can be reproduced in MVM.
Copy a value from one location to another.
Z -= SRC DST -= DST DST -= Z Z -= ZAlternative notation:
Z -= SRC clear DST DST -= Z clear Z
A += B
Z -= B A -= Z Z -= Z
A = [X]
L = X Z -= L:* A -= A A -= Z Z -= Z
Accessing a location that is known only at runtime requires self-modifying code in MVM. In the example, L:* assigns the label L to the instruction's second operand (i.e. the second word in the triple). The actual value is set by the (macro-) instruction L = X.
[X] = A
An indirect store requires a bit more patching than an indirect read.
L1 = X L2 = X L3 = X L1:* -= L2:* Z -= A L3:* -= Z Z -= Z
(Side note: The expansion of the three copy instructions can be simplified to 8 subleqs instead of 12.)